Welcome to the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce
- Proudly serving our business community for over 100 years -
The Mission of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce is to be the leading proponent for the interests of local business. This includes the prosperity of its individual members, the vitality of its marketplace and the quality of its community life.
We are dedicated to providing your business with the vital resources, marketing and networking tools needed to thrive in our region. Your membership provides numerous benefits and keeps you on top of important ever-changing issues and trends in our local marketplace and beyond.
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Meet the Members
Ducere Global Business School is a recognized leader in university – enterprise collaborations, to design and deliver degrees that have real career impact. We partner with major universities across 4 continents, global corporations, government departments and NGOs, as well as being a member of the AACSB, Clinton Foundation, United Nations, and various global chambers, to ensure that our programs are current, relevant and industry connected.
Thank You to our Leadership Circle of Investors!
Ribbon Cuttings For Our Local Businesses
Urban Workshop 10-Year Celebration
Learn from and connect with other businesses
“Visit your competition and introduce yourself. Nurture and develop a good relationship with them. Refer customers to them, as well. It's give-and-take and there really is enough to go around. Don't be afraid to ask them for help or advice.”
2024 Econ Forum