Events Calendar - Community
Categories: CommunityClubs/OrganizationsNetworking
Grand Opening - Amity Health
ribbon cutting, grand opening, business, community, chamber of commerce, costa mesa
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceBusinessRibbon CuttingNetworking
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsCommunityGovernmentClubs/OrganizationsRecreation & SportsBusinessNetworking
2024 Chamber Networking Power Lunch - April
luncheon, networking, events, orange county, city of costa mesa, business, resources, events, local
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceBusinessNetworking
RegisterCategories: CommunityContinuing Education
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
Chamber Night at Honda Center
networking, business, orange county, chamber of commerce, events, hockey, sports, fun
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsRecreation & SportsBusinessNetworking
Categories: CommunityClubs/OrganizationsRecreation & Sports
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceBusinessNetworking
RegisterCategories: CommunityContinuing Education
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Categories: CommunityRecreation & Sports
2024 State of the City Luncheon with Mayor John Stephens
City Update with Mayor John Stephens Awards for leading businesses in Costa Mesa
Categories: CommunityGovernmentChamber Of CommerceBusinessNetworking
Registration ClosedCategories: CommunityContinuing Education
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsCommunityClubs/Organizations
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Artist Safespaces & IKEA Costa Mesa present: Art Therapy: Mental Health Fest
Free Art Therapy Mental Health Event at IKEA Costa Mesa this Saturday 5/4!
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsArts & CultureCommunity
Small Business Summit at IKEA Costa Mesa!
Join us to celebrate Small Business Week, and Small Business Month by learning about what IKEA Costa Mesa can do to help you!
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceContinuing EducationBusinessNetworking
2024 Rise & Shine Breakfast Meeting - May
breakfast meeting, netoworking, costa mesa, city of costa mesa, leadership, busines community, business networking, homelessness, events
Categories: CommunityGovernmentChamber Of CommerceContinuing EducationBusinessNetworking
RegisterRibbon Cutting - Shake Shack Costa Mesa
shake shack, ribbon cutting, business, events, community, costa mesa, networking, local events, grand opening
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceBusinessRibbon CuttingNetworking
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
IKEA Breakfast Business Mixer & Ribbon Cutting
grand opening, ribbon cutting, business, community, networking, business events, events, local events, Costa Mesa, orange county
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceBusinessRibbon CuttingNetworking
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsArts & CultureCommunityGovernmentSchoolsChamber Of CommerceClubs/OrganizationsBusinessNetworking
Categories: CommunityClubs/OrganizationsRecreation & Sports
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsCommunityNetworking
2024 Les Miller Outstanding Students - Scholarship Program & Awards Dinner
Dear Costa Mesa Community, Every year, the Costa Mesa Chamber (and Community at large) honors our city?s talented and highest performing graduating seniors and notable local college students. We invite you to participate in this year?s scholarship program as a sponsor to help us with funding for their scholarships. All funds raised will go to the Les Miller Sponsorship Program. If you would like to be a sponsor of any amount above $100 you (or your logo) will be listed in our social media blasts, advertising promotions and website (in sponsor categories) as our Costa Mesa Student Supporters. Our students thank you! Sponsor Categories: $100?Supporter $250?Booster $500?Guardian $1000?Champion $3000?Title Les Miller Scholarship Sponsor Please register for sponsorship prior to May 3rd, 2021. Our program namesake, Les Miller, was a beloved and high-standing community member for the city of Costa Mesa. He became the first principal of Costa Mesa High in 1958, holding the position through 1963 when he moved over to work at the district office. He stayed active in both the education and sports worlds for years to come, all the way up till his passing in 1995. In 1991, OCC named Les its Citizen of the Year for his work and dedication on behalf of local students. In 1999 he was inducted into the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame for his dedication to Newport-Mesa students and athletes. The following year, Costa Mesa High named its administration building in his honor.
Categories: CommunitySchoolsChamber Of CommerceContinuing EducationBusinessNetworking
RegisterFREE Webinar: Building a Culture of Regard & Curiosity in Your Business Community
chamber of commerce, webinar, free webinar, business, education, continued learning, leadership, business community, business communication, costa mesa, costa mesa chamber
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceContinuing EducationBusinessNetworking
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceBusiness
Categories: CommunityContinuing Education
Categories: CommunityChamber Of CommerceBusinessNetworking
RegisterTrivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
Trivia Night at The Crack Shack
Gather your peeps and head to the Costa Mesa coop every Thursday at 6:30pm for the return of trivia nights! Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Categories: Community
2024 Econ Forum