Group Dog Training Classes
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDTWednesday, March 6, 2024, 6pm
449 W. Bay Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627Fees/Admission
$299 for 6 week group classes
Contact Information
LInda Kwoun
Send EmailGroup Dog Training ClassesDescription
The Ultimate Dog Training Program
Group Dog Training Classes in a Costa Mesa Facility for Pups At Lease 4 Months Old
Whether your dog struggles on your walks and over-react (bark & lunge)
. . . or not come back to you consistently when you call them
. . . or jumps too enthusiastically on you and your guests
Let’s focus on changing these behaviors during the group classes so you can-- witness your dog listening when you ask them to sit or drop-it-- enjoy your walks without embarrassing barks, lunges or jumping-- let out a sigh of relief when your dog waits at the front door instead of running outVideo
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